
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is a sequence of postures (asanas in Sanskrit) very simple or more complicated. It allows an improvement of the overall form of the practitioner (physical, mental, emotional). This is the ideal practice to acquire the basics of each pose or to deepen them.

Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term which means synchronization of movement over breath. A sequence of dynamic movements, initiated and harmonized by the breath, it allows you to exert yourself while working on the alignment of the body.

Improved sleep, release of bodily tension and stress, relaxation... Yin Yoga improves the circulation of energy in the body by relying on the meridians. The postures are on the ground and held in total letting go and deep relaxation.

Yoga Prénatal
Soft practice and adapted to the body of the pregnant woman. Taught by an experienced yoga teacher who practiced during each of her pregnancies.
Take awareness of your body, understand your emotions and to keep a safe practice during pregnancy.

OM Chanting
OM is the universal sound de creation, the purest of existing vibrations.
The practice of OM Chanting activates the self-healing potential of each one and creates a human-nature unity.